15 七月 2010

dark yesterday~

my bicycle kena locked
by dun know the reason~
i saw many ppl park there,i just follow them~
there have no sign board for "no parking"...
i very wonder~
feel very innocent..
i ask the guard why cannot park there, since block H bicycle parking lots is full everyday..
she just say cannot park behind the class...
but i realize, im not park behind the class...but toilet~
why just 6 of us kena?

right hand side of the bike(look from outside) parking lots behind block H


left hand side parking lot..6 bikes kena locked...

my bike is 1 of it~kek sim~

i have to problem to use RM5 to take back my bike...
but i just wan to know why cannot park there?
if bicycle jz can park at parting lots~
and the car and motor sticker is limited..
then UTAR..please provide us more bicycle parking lots~

2 条评论:

YunYun 说...

Haha...u are angry...i thought u are fine after 5 min but apparenly utar does make u go nuts...haha. Just chill, maybe u should ask the management or learn form our friend...go complain...

傻傻的鱼。。 说...

erm...as i know..complaint is jz waste time,waste saliva also~but i will still complaint...